Christmas Equipment Sale

Christmas Equipment Sale

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Axiom i3

We have been receiving tons of equipment for the Christmas Season. We are very well stocked now and much of the equipment is 10% to 20% off from now until the end of the year. Most of the Aqualung Buoyancy Compensators are $50 to $100 off including the brand new Axiom i3

All of our air integrated dive computers are $100-$150 off as well and if you are needing a Buoyancy Compensator, Computer and Regulator, you will also get a free Air Source if all items are purchased between now and Dec 31, 2011. (A $260 value)

Our latest camera, the SeaLife DC 1400 is in stock and can come with a strobe or modeling light or both. It has an internal wide angle lens and shoots HD video. These packages are $50 off and you also get an additional $30 rebate as well.

The Ultimate CombinationLight up tropical reefs and discover hidden sea creatures with SeaLife’s newest camera set. The Pro Duo includes the Digital Pro Flash and new Photo/Video Light, making it the perfect combination for shooting colorful underwater pictures and HD video.


– DC1400 Digital Underwater Camera
– Digital Pro Flash
– Photo/Video Light
– Deluxe soft case

For all of you treasure hunters, we have a good selection of underwater and land Metal Detectors from Tesoro. These all come with a lifetime warranty if purchased from SSDS and also come with a free set of headphones.

From our prior newsletters, you have seen that we have been taking group trips every weekend. The water is cooler, but we have some excellent new AquaLung hooded 5mm wetsuits that will work great for this winter time diving.

Our last Nitrox class of the year is this Saturday, Dec 3 at 9:30 am. We do still have a couple of spaces available so call if you want to sign up.

Also, our last Spearfishing trip of the year is Dec 10, 11 to Panama City, FL. We will be diving on natural bottom sites as well as artificial reefs. Red Groupers, Lobsters, Flounders, Mangrove Snapper, Triggerfish and Amberjack will be on the menu for this two day adventure.

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