Oriskany Wreck Trip, Pensacola / Orange Beach

Oriskany Wreck Trip, Pensacola / Orange Beach

Dive the wreck of the USS Oriskany in Pensacola, Fl.

Southern Skin Divers Supply will be diving soon from one of the largest and fastest dive boats in the Panhandle area. We have chartered this boat along with its crew for the entire weekend. Saturday there will be two dives made on the USS Oriskany. On Sunday morning we will dive with the same group on two other dives in the area. This trip will be in the Gulf Shores/Orange Beach area. There are limited spaces available on this trip so call us for more details.

The Oriskany is the largest vessel ever sunk as an artificial reef in the world.  She was put down in May 2006 and now rests in 212 ft of water approximately 23 miles offshore. The top of the tower starts at 68 ft and there is plenty to see above 100 ft, perfect for recreational diving.  There are a couple of requirements that need to be met prior to this wreck dive so call us for more info. 


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  • Passport Members: $000.000



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