Christmas Equipment Sale (width: 330px; height: 313px;) Axiom i3 We have been receiving tons of equipment for the Christmas Season. We are very well stocked now and (width: 330px; height: 313px;) Axiom i3 We have been receiving tons of equipment for the Christmas Season. We are very well stocked now and
Hello Divers! To say that a lot of diving is going on would be an understatement. We usually average 50 group trips a year and
Fred Hunter with Fox 6’s “Absolutely Alabama” was at the Scuba School early in October filming a show. That’s going to air later this year
Hello Divers! This is turning into a very exciting dive season here at SSDS! We have plenty of new equipment hitting the door daily. Lots
Happy New Year Divers! This time of year we all get cabin fever at The SCUBA School so we start booking lots of trips for